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Preschool Activities

Early childhood development plays a crucial role in preparing children for life. The Lucknow Heart Pre-School's preschool curriculum has been designed to ensure steady growth and holistic development of 2–6-year old. This constitutes of various preschool activities that are-

  1. Inculcate love for sports at an early age.
  2. Promotes all-round skills development
  3. Brings out the elements of joy, excitement, health, good values and interaction with one another.

Together, we play, learn and grow; a motto focused on early childhood development!

All the preschool activities are focused on bringing out the best in your child. Here are some of the most enjoyable activities we organize for our children at Lucknow Heart Pre-School's:

Preschool activities
Kids story yoga at Lucknow Heart Pre-School's

  • Story Yoga Concept intends to make the art of learning, an enjoyable experience for every child
  • The teaching concept has been acclaimed by education enthusiasts and experts as well as parents, teachers and children from across the world.
  • The concept was awarded the 1st prize in the “The Best Practices followed by a School” category from the Early Childhood Association, at a seminar held on Oct 6, 2012.
  • The main aim of the Story Yoga Concept is to combine the joys of listening to wonderful stories with moral values while enacting the same through simple stretching exercises.
  • This ensures the perfect all-around growth of the child’s body and mind.

Kids Marathon

  • Lucknow Heart Pre-School's Kids Marathon is a short distance run by preschool children to support the cause against child abuse and promote the healthy development of children.
  • The mission is to celebrate running, promote physical fitness and encourage a healthier lifestyle.
  • Kids Marathon extends the spirit of sports and physical education by providing young children with a platform to run and express themselves freely.
  • The first Lucknow Heart Pre-School's Marathon was held in Pune.
  • The event witnessed a footfall of 4000 people.
  • Lucknow Heart Pre-School's entire community of children, parents and management actively participated in the event.


At Lucknow Heart Pre-School's, we follow a thoughtfully formulated design language when deciding on preschool infrastructure, that provides a perfect blend of style, aesthetics, reliability, child friendliness and functionality.
Every Lucknow Heart Pre-School's centre follows a child-centric preschool infrastructure design methodology, which provides a safe and hygienic environment with a crisp colourful ambience for their all-around growth and development. This is backed by quality teaching and learning aids that work together to ensure the all-around holistic development of each child.

playschool infrastructure
playschool events

Dedicated Staff

playschool kids photos

All-female Staff

Child First
Safety First